The SAT is more accepted than the ACT.
Students should take both tests as many times as possible.
SAT/ACT scores have gone up because they used to be harder.
The SAT/ACT correlates with intelligence.
The SAT/ACT predicts success in college/career/life.
A high GPA can make up for average or poor test scores.
Standardized tests are unbiased and fair.
You need to take the SAT/ACT for junior colleges.
Going to a junior college really means you are still immature, or you weren’t accepted by a four-year program, or you are not ready to handle university life, or you can’t move away from home or you are too scared to move onto a campus.
Junior colleges are just larger high schools.
If you get an associates degree from a junior college, it cheapens your bachelors from a “legit” four-year university. Your diploma will be split into two halves, or it will also show the name of the junior college.
If you don’t get into a university right away, you should take some classes at a local junior college and transfer out as quickly as possible after just 1 or 2 semesters.
Good reasons to choose a college:
“My boy/girlfriend is going there.”
“My parents went there.”
“My family members want season sports tickets.”
“They won the national championship.”
“I like the colors/mascot/slogan.”
“I like the frat parties.”
“I see their ads online all the time.”
Good reasons to pick a major/career:
“I will definitely make a lot of money.”
“My parents do this.”
“My parents want me to do this.”
"My parents wish they had done this.”
“My boy/girlfriend is doing this.”
“I don’t know what else I want to do.”
Colleges can’t require you to take classes that don’t count toward a degree.
If you fail a class in college, you can retake it for free.
Everyone should go to college.
Taking off a year before going to college is always a mistake.
(HINT: every statement above is FALSE!)